Indoor Air Quality|Heat recovery Ventilation|Benefits|Asthma|Simple Solution

Asthma - Causes

House Dust Mite, a distant relative of the spider is present in large numbers in our homes, infesting carpets, soft furnishings and especially our beds.In a poorly ventilated bedroom a bed can contain 2 million mites.  Each House Dust Mite produces about 20 dung pellets every day. Every dung pellet contains an allergen - the major trigger of asthmatic symptoms.

 Ideal Conditions for the House Dust Mite
House Dust Mites need a humid atmosphere to survive.  Draught proofing, double glazing and cavity wall insulation have helped to trap stale, moist air inside our homes, creating high humidity levels.  Without adequate ventilation the atmosphere in the modern home is perfect for House Dust Mite infestation. A Major Problem in the Bedroom

The House Dust Mite feeds on the microscopic scales of skin that we shed.  Our beds and pillows are full of human skin scales so mites are rarely short of food. Their only source of water is from the air around them.  High humidity levels can mean severe House Dust Mite infestation. An Important Risk Factor for Asthma
House Dust Mite droppings are a major trigger of asthmatic symptoms.  They are also a major risk factor in the development of asthma itself.  An allergic reaction to allergen in House Dust Mite droppings can maintain chronic inflammation in the lung and then many factors including traffic fumes, cold air and exercise can trigger asthmatic symptoms.  Studies have shown that if House Dust Mite droppings are removed, inflammation can subside.